Operation Smile Final Mile 2018

Smile 4 Cody


It is 2018 and I am so very HAPPY to announce that Dennis, Cody, Luke, myself and family will be traveling to Virginia Beach again this year in support of Operation Smile and The Final Mile.  This year marks our 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY raising money for Operation Smile.  I cannot believe since we began in 2009, that we have raised over $32,000, which is enough to fund more than 137 surgeries.  This could not have been possible without the support of family and friends.  Cody’s journey has been an amazing one.  He has had the opportunity to meet children from around the world like himself, make great friends, and been able to be an ambassador for Operation Smile each year.  We truly love Operation Smile and even though we cannot do very much, we can at least raise money each year to help other children around the world be given the gift of surgery.  The vow Dennis and I made 10 years ago still holds true today.  We will continue to start our fundraising journey with $240, by sponsoring a surgery for some special child in order for him/ her to have the surgery he/she has longed for.  This year I asked Cody to say something for his page and below is what he wanted to share: 

Hi, this is Cody.  I know that people around the world have cleft lips like me, but if everybody can raise money for them…you can get them surgeries to fix their lips and be like everybody else.  So please help me raise money for everybody that has cleft lips.  Thanks, Cody

Cody is ten (10) years old and understands completely the blessing of a surgery and the impact that NOT having a surgery can have on a little boy or girl.  It continues to joy me in watching Cody tell people about his scar on his lip (or “Boo Boo” as he used to refer to it) and how he was able to have it fixed at such an early age.  Cody is truly our little angel put in our lives as a reminder to be selfless and to always try to help others in need, no matter where they are from.


So…please help us rally together again this year to support Cody and this wonderful organization.  If you are able, please help us reach our goal of $3,500.00.  Each donation is a miracle to some precious boy or girl.  We love you and thank you sincerely for loving and supporting us.  So please join us and “Smile 4 Cody.”  Dennis, Jamie, Cody and Luke

Smile 4 Cody Raised
Dennis Smith
Cody Smith
Team Gifts $5,170.80
Denotes a Team Captain