Operation Smile

Hundreds of thousands of people need our help.
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Dear Smile Supporter,

This morning, I received a heartbreaking plea for help from an Operation Smile Board of Governors Member, Mariquita 'Kit' Salimbangon-Yeung — whose village was destroyed by Super Typhoon Haiyan last week:

"Oh Bill, we are desperate! The whole of the 4th district, my district, has been wiped out! 98 percent! How can my people rebuild their lives? The destruction is enormous! There are nine towns of homeless and hungry people — please help us! They still need food and water. They are like zombies in the street looking desperately for food. We need help! Whatever you can send in cash or in kind is very welcome."

My wife Kathy and I have a very special connection to the Philippines — it's the place where we conducted our first medical mission, and the country whose people inspired us to found Operation Smile over 30 years ago. Now they need us more than ever — the coming days will be critical to the survival of hundreds of thousands of people.

That's why I'm reaching out to you today.
Please — help now. 100% of your donation will go directly to Operation Smile's Philippines Relief Fund. Your gift will make an immediate impact — helping to provide essential supplies and funds to our Operation Smile Philippines office headquartered in Manila. They are standing by for our help right now.

As many of you already know, one of the largest storms ever recorded — Super Typhoon Haiyan — struck the country on Friday, leveling homes, destroying infrastructure, and displacing hundreds of thousands of people.

This natural disaster has devastated critical infrastructure and services, including water. We must help them however we can. Hundreds of thousands of people are waiting for us. Waiting for medical supplies, food and clean water they desperately need to survive.

Every dollar you give will go directly towards providing our foundation, on the ground in Manila, with the supplies and resources they desperately need to help their communities. This includes supplies like portable water filtration devices to provide clean drinking water, antibiotics for those facing infection or water borne illness, nutritional supplements, and other medical supplies that will help the hundreds of thousands of people affected.

Your emergency gift today will literally save lives. Please, give now — 100% of your gift will go directly to our Philippines Relief Fund.

Thank you for your generosity and compassion in the wake of such a devastating catastrophe.

With deepest gratitude,
Dr. Bill Magee
Dr. Bill Magee
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer

Donate now

Massive Super Typhoon strikes Philippines

Thousands dead or missing. Hundreds of thousands of people without food, shelter, clean water.

Please help us ship critically needed water and medical supplies. Donate now >>

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Operation Smile | 3641 Faculty Boulevard | Virginia Beach, VA 23453 | 1-888-OPSMILE (1-888-677-6453)

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